Sick Day?

My darling daughter woke up feeling awful! Sweet thing, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t talk, coughing like crazy! It was a unanimous decision to go to the pediatrician instead of school! Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you looked at it, my darling wasn’t sick. No strep. No fever. No nuthin’. At least with bacteria there’s ANTIbiotics! Instead she has ALLERGIES. Texas allergies are starting to catch on to my kids, even tho I give them Zyrtec! Anyway, she was so pitiful at the doctor’s office. Until we got home. Its amazing how perky they get when they realize they don’t have to go to school.

We took pictures of her candles and posted them in her Etsy shop:

We worked on making valentines:

And we had a tea party! Central Market is so lovely. They put all the broken or wilted flowers in a bucket with a piggy bank for the kids to “buy.” My daughter picked out a lively bouquet:


Mid afternoon she was really starting to feel better, and I said, “school tomorrow!” Sadly, after bath and intense studying of spelling words she wilted worse than our flowers. Her eyes turned to glass, her throat dried up, she couldn’t pass air in or out her nose. You can’t fake this stuff. *sigh* Sick days with my darling are pretty wunnerful. I think I’ll keep her home one more day. 😀

Waiting is AGONY!!! – or – Hazel’s Honey Wax

I hate to wait. When I want something I want it and I want it now. My instant gratification setting is on high and has been my whole life. So WHY did I check email to see if the shop set my daughter picked out had been sent??? If I hadn’t checked I wouldn’t know. BUT ITS HERE!!! The adorable shop set we chose from Simply Graphic Design has arrived. I totally want to upload the graphics and set up shop. However I am supposed to be doing this WITH my daughter, and she’s at school till mid afternoon. DRAT. I’m seriously considering picking her up early, lol.

In the meantime, while I wait for the end-of-school bell to ring, I’m excited to share we’ve decided on a name: Hazel’s Honey Wax! Deciding on a name was far easier than I’d anticipated. We ran through a few options and this was the one she liked the most, and it was my favorite, too. We don’t normally come together on decisions this easily! After choosing our name and registering it on Etsy, we perused the thousands of pre-made Etsy shop sets in search of the perfect bee themed outfit for her shop front. Simply Graphic Design had the winning option and we bought it a couple of days ago. Its arrived, as I said, and I can’t wait to put it to work. She did an amazing job, was prompt and very helpful. I would strongly recommend her to anyone in search of a shop set! Of course a shop set is only as good as its product, so we need to get cracking. We made some attempts at cutting out shapes in the wax by hand. Its a LOT harder than you might think! Between Ebay, Amazon and Google we found our solution: fondant cookie cutters. They’re small shapes, perfectly sized for candles, and make a perfect cut every time. Ebay had a small set of stars and butterflies that was very reasonably priced, and we’re anxiously awaiting delivery. Today I also found a woman cleaning out her fondant cutter collection on Craigslist. 🙂 I should be meeting her later this week.

Until next time!

Click here to enter to win a Valentine Heart Felt Garland!

My Kid In Business

For Christmas my daughter received a candle making kit from the Magic Cabin and she LOVES it. She’s six and rolling bees wax candles is a task that her happy little hands can handle.

Hazel's Honey Wax

Watching her ponder the color selection and carefully consider the shapes to apply to the outside of the candle it occurred to me that this might be a great way to introduce her to a crafty business. Its not an expensive craft. It doesn’t require a great deal of precision. It doesn’t require a great deal of time. Before mentioning anything to her I looked into the rules for Etsy and minors, and Etsy had this to say:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to hold an account on Etsy.
    • If you are under 18, you must have the permission and supervision of a parent or legal guardian who is at least 18 years of age; that adult is responsible for the account.
    • If you are under the age of 18, you may not utilize the community features on Etsy (for example: Forums, Teams, Treasury, the blog, and multimedia Online Labs events), unless otherwise specified by Etsy. When using Etsy, those under 18 must, at all times, have the permission and supervision of a parent or legal guardian who is at least 18 years of age.

Perfect! She definitely has my permission, and I’m happy to take complete responsibility of the account and product. Besides, we’ll be making everything together, and she won’t be looking at anything on Etsy I haven’t researched first. Once I was sure this was something we could do, I asked her if she’d be interested? She loves watching me work and look at my Etsy shop, so I wasn’t surprised when she began to glow. I knew we’d hit on something. This is going to be a lot of fun for me, too, because its a no-pressure shop. When working on my shop and making decisions regarding my shop and product everything I do impacts sales. Starting a shop from the ground up with my kiddo is going to be a lot of fun for both of us as most everything children do is more about the process than the end result.  🙂 Stay tuned as we decide on a name, select our shop setup, and begin making our product! I’m eager to hear her opinions on everything, and I know she will give them to me, lol.


Hazel's Honey Wax - First Candle


Click here to enter to win a Valentine Heart Felt Garland!